I offer freelance editing, proofreading and project management services to my clients. Here’s a brief explanation of each of them, so you can decide which best fits your requirements.


This is the first step in preparing your material for publication and is vitally important. An editor will correct spelling, grammar and punctuation, and will also spot ambiguous statements, illustrations that don’t tie in with the text, factual information that appears to be incorrect. House style will be applied, and the style and content of headings, boxes, tables and lists will be checked. An editor will make sure that the author is truly saying what he intends to say, and might make suggestions for improvement or rearrangement of material. Any ‘intrusive’ editing will be queried with the authors.

Your copy will also be formatted, using the most appropriate tools - MS Word templates, XML schemas with XML editing applications - depending on your pre-press or print preferences.


This is the time for picking up any errors that have occurred since the copy-editing stage, or for spotting those that were missed during earlier stages. A proofreader will read the whole of the work, from start to finish, and will check that everything appears where it should, that it reads well and that any spelling, punctuation or grammatical errors are found.

Please note that the proofreading stage is not the time for making substantial changes - these should have been made at the copy-editing stage, before your text was proofed.

Project management

Sometimes it’s easier and more cost-effective to simply hand the whole project to a freelance project manager. If that’s what you’d like to do, I can certainly help.

For most standard legal publications, this will mean that I would take the manuscript files for a book and would hand back print-ready files at the end of the editorial process. I would edit the book myself, would liaise with authors directly and supply proofs as necessary. I would take responsibility for finding and appointing a proofreader, indexer and tabulator (as appropriate). I would liaise with in-house design/production departments as required, and would undertake to keep all parties fully informed with regular progress updates.

If you would like to discuss any of these services with me, please contact me
Maria Skrzypiec, TARTAREL, 19120 BEAULIEU SUR DORDOGNE, France  ~  00 33 555 91 51 24
Siret No. ~ 529 117 541 00019